Christmas Light Up for Wishes

Give Christmas joy that lasts a lifetime for critically ill kids with your festive light display.

Register today!

Icon of present open with stars in blue

Joy starts with you this Christmas

Give Christmas joy that lasts a lifetime for critically ill kids with your festive light display.

By encouraging donations from your visitors, you can help more unforgettable wishes come true.

Every Christmas donation makes a life-changing difference.

Right now more there are over 900 critically ill kids needing the joy of a wish. When sickness tries to take a childhood away, you can step in by lighting up your house for Make-A-Wish and give joy that lasts.

How it works

Sign up to light up your house in support of seriously ill kids. You'll get a fundraising toolkit and personal fundraising page.

Let your neighbourhood know when you'll be lighting up your home and why you are choosing to support Make-A-Wish.

Encourage your visitors to make a gold coin donation. They can even donate online using a QR code to your personal fundraising page.

Your fundraising makes a life-changing difference. It gives hope to really sick kids.