Make A Wish Australia, Children's Charity - Dara holding the pillow she designed for Adairs

Partnership opportunities

Make-A-Wish offers organisations a range of unique and unforgettable opportunities to make the impossible possible. Explore how your business can get involved and get in touch if you'd like to align your brand with one of Australia's most inspirational charities.

Workplace Giving

Workplace Giving makes it easy for organisations and employees to make a life-changing difference, together.

  • Workplace giving is simple to setup, through your payroll system
  • Employees donate from their pre-tax pay, receiving the tax benefits immediately
  • Organisations can choose to match employee contributions to double the impact, supporting CSR objectives

Corporate volunteering (team-building with purpose!)

During the year, businesses can get 'hands on' in bringing wishes to life through our corporate volunteering program. It's a great way to have some fun and make a meaningful difference as part of the team making wishes come true. For example:

  • Workshops - a unique opportunity for Partner teams to brainstorm how to bring a child's unique Wish Journey to life
  • Help with setting up or supporting a local fundraising event
  • Skilled volunteering projects, and more

To tailor a Corporate Volunteering opportunity for your organisation, call our Partnerships team on 1800 032 260 or get in touch above.

Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Wish workshop with balloons and lollies

AustBrokers Countrywide are grateful to share a strong partnership with all the lovely people at Make-A-Wish.

Maree Livy Sales and Marketing Co-ordinator, AustBrokers Countrywide

Life-changing collaborations

Cause-related marketing is one of our favourite forms of corporate partnership, with every new partner and campaign finding fresh ways to make wishes come true!

Some of our collaborations have been with Gordon Frost Organisation (producers of the sensational musical Charlie & The Chocolate Factory), Seed Heritage, Decjuba, Francesca Collections and sass & bide - to name just a few!

See our gallery for inspiration, and if you'd like to partner with one of Australia's most trusted charities, please get in touch with our Partnerships team.

Make A Wish Australia Children's Charity - Noah with his Adairs pillow case he designed
Icon of a telephone in white

Get started here

If you're inspired to get involved and give back as part of your CSR program, call our Partnerships team on 1800 032 260. Or get in touch online and we’ll call you back!

More ways to get involved

If it takes a village to raise a child, we think it's fair to say it takes an army (at times!) to pull off a child's life-changing wish. That's why we love businesses who choose to support us in kind, giving their products, services and many acts of kindness to make wishes come true.

Please see Gifts in kind for more info about our policy and the types of gifts we can accept.

Raising money with your customers and co-workers isn’t only a good way to help – it’s great for business!

Whether you get the team together for a morning tea (or bake-off), or take the challenge outside the office (with a golf day or fun run), our team has got your back.

With a range of physical challenges and events across Australia, there are lots of ways you can support Make-A-Wish and bring more wishes to life.

Explore, sign up and take part in a local event near you - or get in touch with us to discuss event-based volunteering opportunities for your team.

Wishes simply couldn't come true without the generous support of Australian people and businesses. Every dollar counts, and helps bring more wishes to life for sick kids and teens around the country.

See ways to give here and get in touch if you'd like to discuss your donation with us.

Wish children whose images feature on this page:

Dara, 7, Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma - I wish for the ultimate puppy experience.
Noah, 6, mitochondrial disease - I wish for my own veggie patch so I can cook for my mum and dad.